Part II; Fairbanks to Haines, Ak:
After a couple of days spent in Fairbanks, we hit the road kind of late in the day yet again, but this time we know where we’d like to spend the night.
Photo A.
Once we pass Tok, Ak., we are on new (to us) grounds as we had by-passed this section of the Alaska highway by going to Dawson city.
Nice. And populated too !…
Photo B.
So we haven’t had snow on the ground so far but last night, it was really close! Time to head south indeed.
Photo C.
Atop Chilkat pass (3,510 ft) on Haines highway, we are back into tundra like environment.
Photo E.
Finally breaking through the clouds.
We are back in the clouds again!
Down in Haines, we are in a temperate rainforest! Only about 100 kms from the tundra at Chilkat pass!!
At Chilkoot lake state park, we’re in luck…
Photo F.
..And get to see wild grizzlies catching and eating salmon just a few feet from us.
To be continued…